Welcome to The Feel Good Again CoursesĀ®

Learn how to balance your mood, energy, weight, immune system, and hormones using safe, effective, and more natural solutions.

Browse through our courses to see which one is right for you.

I recommend starting hormones with cortisol. Oftentimes when you get cortisol right everything else falls into place.

This education and the resources, assessments, and strategies will save you countless hours of research and most probably trips to the doctor with less reliance on medication. It will empower you to take charge of your health and put you in the driver's seat and get on the course to even better health than you ever imagined.

Ready for Personalized Care? 

Available Products

6 Strategies for a Sound Sleep

Toss and turn no more. Try these 6 proven strategies to get a restorative sleep and wake up refreshed ready to start your day.

A shorter, less comprehensive version of this in is The Cortisol Solution Course.

Are Hormones Right for You?

Are you wondering if your symptoms are related to a hormone imbalance and whether or not you would benefit from Hormone Replacement Therapy? Do you want to know what to expect if you are on Hormone Replacement Therapy?

This course will take you through the risks, benefits and safety of Hormone Replacement therapy. With self assessments and valid study data, you can decide with confidence and get your life back.

Constipation: A Smooth Move for Relief

This common condition is accepted as normal. Learn the tips and tricks to get relief and remove the toxins your body wants to get rid of.

Estrogen/Progesterone Balance: Your Guide to Being Slim, Sharp, Stable and Supercharged

Moody? Gaining weight? Period Problems? Menopause Symptoms? Brain Fog? It may be your hormones! If your estrogen and progesterone are out of balance it can give rise to these and many other symptoms. In this 4 Module course, we bust some myths and you can assess your status, learn how to achieve balance naturally and be given the strategies and resources necessary to be slim, sharp, stable, and supercharged

Optimize Your Thyroid: Unleash Boundless Energy, Ideal Weight and a Sharp Clear Mind.

If you are tired, cold, dry and gaining weight, it could be your thyroid.  The secrets of how to care for this essential gland and feel great as well as the fine points of testing and treatment will help you make the right choices so you can thrive, and have healthy skin, hair, nails and weight.

Restore & Rejuvenate

Are you ready to Feel Great, Get Healthy and Heal?

The Restore and RejuvenateTM Takes the Guesswork out of What to Eat and How to Live!

  • Eat all natural, healthy, wholesome, unprocessed foods
  • You don’t have to think about what to make or cook if you don’t want to.

This healthy eating program detoxifies, cleanses and reduces inflammation by healing your gut and detoxifying your liver (no diarrhea or frequent bowel movements).

    • Addresses the root cause of many illnesses – inflammation and toxins that create illness and a lot of different symptoms.
    • Relief from symptoms of illness due to inflammation such as acne, asthma, allergies, arthritis, asthma, congestion, bloating, dark circles under eyes, cravings, fatigue, depression, digestive disorders, gas, headaches, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, irritability, insomnia, mental fog, mood swings, and more!

    It will leave you feeling Sharp, Sexy, Sensational and SuperchargedTM

    Shake Bake and Salad Slimdown

    Tired, achy, moody, can't lose weight and have brain fog and other symptoms? The Shake Bake and Salad Slimdown will not only help you lose weight, it will decrease inflammation the root cause of most illness and unwanted symptoms.

    You may experience the benefits such as weight loss, relief from cravings, gas, bloating, heartburn, aches and pains, puffy eyes, dark circles under eyes, congestion, mucous, cough, reduction in anxiety and depression and headaches, better blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol

    Most people report renewed energy and vitality, clear, glowing skin, deeper, more restful sleep, flatter abs, better digestion and absorption and most of all, they Feel Good Again!

    Sinusitis: Combat Early Infection and Breathe Freely

    Finally get relief from one of the most common respiratory condition in the world. Learn the surprising secrets of the root causes of sinusitis and get the strategies and resources so you can beat sinusitis and breathe freely again. 

    Tense to Tranquil: A Natural Way to a Calmer Happier You

    This Course will guide you through how to modulate the thoughts and feelings that are at the root cause of anxiety, how to get unstuck, take action and the foods, supplements and practices to keep you calm and centered. 

    The Anti Aging Solution: Conquer Cortisol, "The Major Ager", for Ideal Energy, Weight, Mood, Mental Clarity, Sleep and More!

    Cortisol, the survival hormone, influences all of the other hormones. Through interactive quizzes, strategies and resources in this 10-module course, you can learn what cortisol does and how it affects how you look and feel, (no you are not going crazy) and how to control it naturally! Managing cortisol can help you lose weight, have stable moods, boundless energy and a rock-solid immune system and get your life back!

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